Сложность. Разум. Постнеклассика
Электронный научный журнал

Физико-математические науки
Eskov V.M. 2, GALKIN V.A. 2, EREGA I.R. 1, HVOSTOV D.Yu. 1

1. Surgut State University, Leninа pr., 1, Surgut, Russia, 628400
2. Federal Science Center Scientific-research Institute for System Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bazovaya st, 34, Surgut, Russia, 628400


It is impossible to obtain statistical coincidences (in a row) of samples of tremorograms, tappingrams or electromyograms and parameters of cardiovascular system, during repeated registration of samples of any parameters in biomechanics. This statement is true for all 16 parameters xi for the human cardiovascular system (in one subject). Therefore, we are interested in the behavior of a group of conditionally identical subjects in one homeostasis (state of organism functions). We are also interested in the possibility of observing the effect of Eskov-Zinchenko for a whole group of conditionally identical subjects. We have the effect of Eskov-Zinchenko for one subject (tables 1 and 2). Therefore, this effect is expected for a group of different subjects.

Keywords: stochastics, chaos, the effect of Eskov-Zinchenko, the effect of Eskov-Filatova

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